Aiming at continuous development of our products, improvement of existing structures and responding to the market needs of providing advanced construction solutions in a short time, it was decided to spin off a separate research and development centre from the company’s structures.
The support obtained from the EU funds from the Operational Programme for the Podkarpackie Voivodeship for 2014-2020 made it possible to equip the centre with the highest quality software and to build a research station for high operating parameters.
The actions taken will allow us to effectively compete with the largest manufacturers of industrial valves, both in the context of technical advancement of our solutions, as well as the time and cost of their development.
Our employees have many years of experience in designing industrial valves, as well as in advanced finite element method (FEM) analyses. Owing to the purchased software, we are able to perform all the analyses necessary to confirm the functionality of the product and allowing for defining and eliminating adverse phenomena occurring during operation of the installation.
ul. Obozowa 23 Str
37-700 Przemyśl
TEL: +48 16 678 66 01
KRS: NATIONAL COURT REGISTER: 0000090173 dated 12.02.2002 r. Provincial Court in Rzeszów,
XII Division of National Court Register
COMPANY ID: 650009986 NIP: 795-020-07-05 BDO: 000030128
SHARE CAPITAL: 3.639.039,60 PLN
PAID CAPITAL: 3.639.039,60 PLN
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 88 1030 1250 0000 0000 8901 4018 EUR SWIFT: CITIPLPX