Used for the purification of water containing dissolved mineral salts and gases by distillation Water-distillation apparatus
Water purification of dissolved mineral salts and gases by distillation is possible owing to the use of DE5, DE10 plus, DE20 plus distillers and REL5 redistillers.
Type | Efficiency | Power supply |
Distiller DE5 | 4 dm3/h | 230 V / 50 Hz |
Distiller DE10 plus | 10 dm3/h | 3x400 V / 50 Hz |
Distiller DE20 plus | 18 dm3/h | 3x400V / 50 Hz |
Redistiller REL5 | 4.5 dm3/h | 3x400 V / 50 Hz |
ul. Obozowa 23 Str
37-700 Przemyśl
TEL: +48 16 678 66 01
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