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Reduction and cooling stations - POLNA S.A.

The reduction and cooling stations are applied in the commercial power industry for maintaining the pressure and temperature of steam within the limits determined by the technological process by injecting the cooling liquid.

We would like to invite you to read the study concerning “Elements of the Reduction and Cooling Stations”

We can adjust the control valve to match your individual needs.

The main elements of the reduction and cooling stations are:
  • steam reduction valves – designed to reduce the steam pressure to the set value.
  • desuperheaters – the task of the desuperheaters is to bring cooling water to the cooling chamber in the state of maximum atomization in the whole range of working pressures and flow.
  • injection valves – regulate the supply of cooling water to the desuperheater. They are present in reduction and cooling stations, where lance or ring desuperheaters are used.


ul. Obozowa 23 Str
37-700 Przemyśl

TEL: +48 16 678 66 01
E-MAIL: sekretariat@polna.com.pl

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