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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - POLNA S.A.

POLNA S.A. is deeply committed to sustainable development and to building strong, positive relations with the community. The company actively participates in numerous CSR initiatives, engaging in activities that benefit the local community, promote active lifestyles and protect the environment.

POLNA S.A. is an active participant in associations:

  • PIPC – Polska Izba Przemysłu Chemicznego
  • Stowarzyszenie Konwencji Społeczno-Gospodarczej w Przemyślu
  • Czysta produkcja
  • SPAP – Stowarzyszenie Polska Armatura Przemysłowa

What exactly do we do?

We support the local community:

  • Involvement in local events:
    • POLNA actively participates in events organized by the city of Przemysl, such as the„Przemyskie Święto Fajki”, „Wincentiada”, “Przemysl Christmas Fair,” and many others, offering both financial and organizational support.
  • Support for children’s centers and homes for single mothers
    • The company continually supports local care institutions, providing necessary supplies and funds to improve the living conditions of the wards.
  • Support for the “Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity”.
    • POLNA actively participates in the annual celebration of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, supporting the collection of funds for medical equipment for those in need.

We promote an active lifestyle:

  • Sponsoring sports initiatives:
    • POLNA supports local sports organizations, including runners, basketball and soccer players, and organizes tournaments for children and young people.
      • “Fortress Przemysl” International Football Tournament
      • Swimming Marathon in Przemysl
      • Games for children and young people with disabilities “Jerzyk”
  • Support for sportsmen:
    • The company supports local athletes, providing them with financial support and necessary sports equipment.
      • TS Biało-Czerwone Kaszyce – regional football club
      • Wojtek Amarowicz – employee at POLNA, marathon participant
      • Basketball Club Przemysl
      • Group OCR
      • Rajd Koguta 2023

Commitment and support in crisis situations:

  • Support for Ukrainian refugees – Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, POLNA has continuously supported refugees, providing them with material aid, housing and psychological support
  • Employment of prisoners – POLNA cooperates with the Prison in Przemyśl to create employment opportunities for prisoners and to support their rehabilitation and reintegration into society

Environmental initiatives:

  • Construction of a photovoltaic farm – The company has invested in the construction of a photovoltaic farm, which has made it possible to reduce CO2 emissions and support sustainable development.
  • Minimizing energy consumption – POLNA has introduced energy conservation initiatives, resulting in a reduction in electricity and water consumption.
  • Recycling and sustainable waste management – The company is taking steps to recycle and reduce waste production, demonstrating its commitment to environmental protection.

Staff involvement:

  • Employee volunteerism – POLNA employees actively participate in volunteer activities, supporting local initiatives
  • Internal team-building events – The company actively motivates employees to participate in CSR initiatives, fostering cooperation and a sense of community It organizes dedicated events for POLNA employees, such as family picnics, team-building trips and company anniversaries In addition, it supports employee development by investing in various training courses and conferences
  • Increase awareness – POLNA conducts dynamic social campaigns for employees to increase their understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR). On the initiative of employees, it engages in charitable campaigns

The future of corporate social responsibility at POLNA S.A.

POLNA S.A. reaffirms its commitment to corporate social responsibility, seeking to optimize its operations while supporting a more sustainable and responsible business model. The company is committed to supporting the local community, promoting active lifestyles and protecting the environment, contributing to a positive impact on all stakeholders.


ul. Obozowa 23 Str
37-700 Przemyśl

TEL: +48 16 678 66 01
E-MAIL: sekretariat@polna.com.pl

KRS: NATIONAL COURT REGISTER: 0000090173 dated 12.02.2002 r. Provincial Court in Rzeszów, XII Division of National Court Register
COMPANY ID: 650009986     NIP: 795-020-07-05     BDO: 000030128
SHARE CAPITAL: 3.710.992,60 PLN
PAID CAPITAL: 3.710.992,60 PLN
BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 88 1030 1250 0000 0000 8901 4018 EUR SWIFT: CITIPLPX