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Contact – Service - POLNA S.A.


Jan Nowosielecki

Service Department Manager

+48 609 361 181

+48 16 678 66 01 wew. 382

Paweł Miczałowski

Service Specialist

+48 609 369 265

+48 16 678 66 01 wew. 382


Information for the client:

If the product has been in contact with a chemical substance, the Submitter is obliged to:

1. Inform the Manager of the Service Department about the type of the chemical substance
2. Provide the safety data sheet of the substance in Polish or English
3. Neutralize the substance and thoroughly clean the product before sending it to the service department
4. Send a document in which the Submitter declares that the product delivered to the service does not contain residual chemical substances


ul. Obozowa 23 Str
37-700 Przemyśl

TEL: +48 16 678 66 01
E-MAIL: sekretariat@polna.com.pl

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